In this post you will study about the following points:
- Button Tab
- Pointers Tab
- Pointer option Tab
- Motion
- Visibility
- Wheel Tab
- Hardware Tab and more
Using Mouse Properties option you are able to change the mouse setting.
To explore mouse setting do the following:-
Choose Start - Control Panel - Click Mouse
Switch Primary and Secondary Buttons
If you are left handed and you want to use your strongest finger for the primary mouse button, you -might want to switch the button functions.
Buttons Tabs
Mouse buttons can be swapped as per way of handling. If any person is left-handed, he can change the normal use of left button to right that will be easier to operate for him. In that case you have to select Left-handed option in Button configuration, To adjust the Double-click speed for your mouse drag the slider. To test the speed, double-click the image in the test area.
Click on click lock option for just highlighting the file or folders and drag it for 1 seconds not to hold down the mouse button and drop to your destination.
Pointers Tab
Using this control tab, you can change mouse pointer shapes for different process. There are some predefined schemes for pointer shapes, which can be selected instead of individual change.
Pointer option Tab
This control tab is used to adjust Pointer Movement.
Snap to
When a new dialog box is open, automatically the pointer stay on the OK or Apply buttons.
To add the trial to the mouse pointer click on Display pointer trials. To change the pointer trials. To change the pointer trail drag the slider. This option is especially useful if you are using a screen for any such of demonstration.
Hide the mouse pointer when you are typing click Hide pointer while typing.
At the time of typing if you press CTRL key you can see the pointer. Show location the pointer when I press CTRL key.
Wheel Tab
Click on this Roll the wheel one notch to scroll for scrolling one line and also scroll page wise, this is similar to the page up and page down key.
Hardware Tab
From this option you can see in which port your mouse is attached and display the list of device.
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