Computers use the binary system because it is easy to represent the two states 'on' and 'off' inside a computer. These two states are represented by voltages. 0 (Zero) volts is used to represent 0, and a voltage usually between 1 and 5 volts depending upon the types of computer, is used to represent 1. Computer uses different units to store data.
Because bits are so small, you rarely work with information one bit at a time. Bits are usually assembled into a group of eight to form a byte. A byte contains enough information to store a single ASCII character, like "h".
A kilobyte (KB) is 1,024 bytes, not one thousand bytes as might be expected, because computers use binary (base two) math, instead of a decimal (base ten) system.
Computer storage and memory is often measured in megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB). A medium-sized novel contains about 1 MB of information. 1 MB is 1,024 kilobytes, or 1,048,576 (1024x1024) bytes, not one million bytes.
The relationship between the different units is given below:
1 Bit = Binary Digit
8 Bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes = 1 KB [Kilo Byte]
1024 KB = 1 MB [Mega Byte]
1024 MB = 1 GB [Giga Byte]
1024 GB = 1 TB [Terra Byte]
1024 TB = 1 PB [Peta Byte]
1024 PB = 1 EB [Exa Byte]
1024 EB = 1 ZB [Zetta Byte]
1024 ZB = 1 YB [Yotta Byte]
1024 YB = 1 BB [Bronto Byte]
1024 Brontobytes = 1 Geop Byte
Geop Byte is the Highest Memory unit.
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